Body Composition Scanning

Bioimpedance scanning aka body composition scanning is a great way to track your progress when losing weight. It is more accurate than body mass index (BMI). When it comes to health, fat tissue surrounding our organs is the most dangerous as this effects multiple things including blood pressure, cholesterol, insulin resistance, etc. One problem I […]

Weight Loss Myths

There are so many myths about losing weight. They come from old wives tales, social media, magazines, radio, and television. They can be detrimental to healthy weight loss. Here I will list a few. 1. Eating fat turns directly into body fat…. False, eating too many calories causes body fat 2. Muscles use the fat […]

Low Carb Fast Food Options

Many of my patients choose to do a low carbohydrate nutritional plan. I think this is a great option but only if it works for you. Individualizing a nutritional plan is extremely important because we want to choose a nutritional plan that you can do the rest of your life without weight regain. Some people […]