Resources: Diets, Apps, Exercises, Medications, Videos

Resources: Diets, Apps, Exercises, Medications, Videos

Click the links below to find out more information on each topic. You can watch educational videos on the topics. Do not follow any of the advice below without first speaking with your doctor to see if this is safe for you.



These are some of the diets we use in our practice to assist in a healthy nutritional plan. Feel free to click, download and print them. Please remember with all diets/nutritional plans that our goal will be to eat as healthily as possible by incorporating as many vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats as possible while at the same time cutting out sweetened drinks and processed foods.


4 Pillars of Obesity Management

Weight Loss Tips Sheet

5 Finger Method with Calories

5 Finger Method with Net Carbs

5 Finger Method with the Plate Method

Keto in a Nutshell

Mediterranean Diet

Intermittent-Fasting Schedule

Intermittent Fasting Explanation

Meal Prepping Made Easy

Example Meals List

Blank Meal Prep Calendar

Satiety Index of Common Foods

1200 Calorie Meal Planning Guide

1600 Calorie Meal Planning Guide

Low Calorie Fast Food Options

Low Carb Fast Food Options

Foods Low in Net Carb List

Snacks Options

Alternatives to Processed Carbs



Mealime  – Meal Planning Made Easy and Free with Dieticians

CBTi Coach App – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

WYSA App – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

List of Free Apps for Anxiety



List of Apps for Exercises You Can Perform at Home

6 Beginner Bodyweight Workout from Nerd Fitness

42 Body Weight Exercises from Nerd Fitness

Physical Activity Options for Working out at Home or the Gym



List of Some of the Medications We Use for Weight Loss



I will occasionally add more videos on tips for leading a healthy lifestyle and losing weight. See some of my YouTube videos below. Click to watch.




Insomnia can lead to weight gain by increasing a hormone that makes us hungry called Ghrelin. The app below (CBTi Coach) can be very beneficial to assist in treating insomnia. This is such a great option because many sleep medications are not meant for long term use due to tolerance and dependence. These medications can also lead to weight gain.

CBTi Coach App

This is a video of me discussing good sleep habits on YouTube.

Food Log App Instructional Videos


Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression can both lead to weight gain or inability to lose weight by increasing cortisol levels. I really enjoy this free app that can be very helpful for the treatment of Anxiety and Depression. It is called WYSA. It uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It can be found in an app store. I strongly encourage anyone with anxiety or depression to use this.


This is a video of me discussing Anxiety on YouTube.